Publications of Meinhard Breiling according years:



Breiling M. (2019),The Benefits of Business Continuity Plans, Adaptation Road Maps and Financing Imperatives. In: Innovations and Experiences in Financing Disaster Risk Reduction. Forthcoming!, ERIA Discussion Paper 2019


Breiling M., M. Voica (2019) UAUIM - TU Wien Summer School in Dealu Frumos 2018. Summer Schools in the Danube Region. Student Projects as Means to Develop in Depopulated Regions. In CSAV 2018_extras. pp. 54 to 68.





Breiling M. (2018), Addressing Disaster Risk, Climate Change, and Food Security Through Successful Structural and Non-Structural Measures in Country Adaptation Roadmaps. Forthcoming!


Breiling, M. (2018) Planning in the Danube Delta - Sfistofca Village in C. A. Rosetti Municipality, Romania. Journal of Japanese Rural Planning Association 36(4), 628-629.





Breiling M. , V. Anbumozhi edts. (2017) Vulnerability of Agricultural Production Networks and Global Food Value Chains due to Natural Disasters. Updated Proceedings to TU Wien, ERIA Conference Vienna, June 2016, supported by OECD CRP. ISBN: 3-900804-25-7


Breiling M. (2017), “Effects of Upscaling in Food Supply Chains and Changed Vulnerabilities to Disasters and Food Security". In Breiling Anbumozhi (edts.) Vulnerability of Agricultural Production Networks and Global Food Value Chains due to Natural Disasters.


Breiling M. (2017). Supporting the sustainability of rural areas by agro-touristic programs: transferring Austrian experience to Indonesia. The Third International Conference on Green Agro-Industry – Resource Optimization to Support Sustainable Agro-Industry; Yogjakarta, Oct. 18th and 19th, 2017


Breiling M. (2017). Tourism Value Chains: Robustness to Economic Shocks and Disasters, Austrian Case Studies and Lessons for ASEAN Countries. 30pp. Jakarta ERIA-DP-2017-xx (preversion)



Breiling M., Tourism Supply Chains and Natural Disasters: The Vulnerability Challenge and Business Continuity Models for ASEAN Countries, ERIA Discussion Paper 2016-06


Breiling M., V. Anbumozhi edts. (2016) "Vulnerability of Agricultural Production Networks and Global Food Chains due to Natural Disasters". Book of abstracts. Conference: Vienna June 2016


Breiling M., edt. (2016) "Planning for Sfistofca". Collection of student and research articles, based on field research trips and student courses. Collection of research and student articles, based on study trips and course works. Preversion June 2016





Breiling M. edt. (2015). Masterprojekt EU am Ende: Niedergang und Neuanfang am Beispiel des rumänischen Donaudelta, Sammlung studentischer Projektarbeiten - Spatial Planning Student Reports on C.A.Rosetti Municipality, Romanian Danube Delta, Course Outline TU Wien 261.353, winter term 2014/15


Breiling M., F. Best, M. Bacher, S. Sokratov (2015), “Dendrite Generator" Österreichische Patenturkunde, 15. März, Certificate of granted patent in Austria as of March 15th, 2015.


Voica M., E. C. Mandrescu, C. I. Varzaru, M. Breiling (2015). End of EU: Sfiştofca. Steps of saving a traditional community. In: Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions. 6.4. 2015.




Bacher M., M. Breiling, F. Best, J. Burkart, M. Harasek, T. Siegmann, S. Sokratov (2013). SNOW - Schneekristallbildung in einer künstlichen Wolke zum Einsatz als Schneeerzeuger. Publizierbarer Endbericht des Projekts Snow, N. 829757, Neue Energien 2020, 4. Ausschreibung, Klima- und Energiefonds


Breiling M., Arbeitsbericht Einbettungsanalyse, Teil des Arbeitspaket 5, SNOW - Schneekristallbildung in einer künstlichen Wolke zum Einsatz als Schneeerzeuger. Input zum publizierbarer Endbericht des Projekts Snow, N. 829757, Neue Energien 2020, 4. Ausschreibung, Klima- und Energiefonds.


Breiling M., “ The Contribution of Soil Protection to Climate Adaptation", Contribution to the 19th Annual Meeting of the ARGE DONAULÄNDER “Soil Protection and Sustainability in the Danube Region“ March 28th, 2012, St. Pölten,



Breiling M., M. Bacher, F. Best, S. Sokratov (2012). METHOD AND DEVICE FOR PRODUCING
SNOW. United States Patent Application Publication
. Pub. No.: US 2012/0193440 A1, Aug. 2, 2012


Anbumozhi V., M. Breiling, S. Pathmarajah, V.R. Reddy (2012) "Climate Change in Asia and the Pacific - How can countries adapt?" [table of contents], [Summary], Asian Development Bank Institute, Sage Publications. New Delhi. April 2012


Breiling M., “Valuing Natural Resource Management: Climate Change Adaptation in the European Union" in Anbumozhi V., M. Breiling, S. Pathmarajah, V.R. Reddy edts. "Climate Change in Asia and the Pacific - How can countries adapt?". Asian Development Bank Institute. Sage Publications. New Delhi. April 2012


Breiling M., “ The Contribution of Soil Protection to Climate Adaptation", Contribution to the 19th Annual Meeting of the ARGE DONAULÄNDER “Soil Protection and Sustainability in the Danube Region“ March 28th, 2012, St. Pölten,



Breiling M., “The Impact of Climate Change on Agricultural Land Resource and Land Management" in Proceedings to ADBI‐APO ( Asian Development Bank Institute & Asian Productivity Organization) Workshop Climate Change and its Impacts on Agriculture, Seoul, Korea, 13th to 16th December 2011 .



Breiling M., Klimawandel und Wintertourismus im Land Salzburg - Climate Change and Winter Tourism in the Province of Salzburg , in "Klimawandel und Raumentwicklung", pp. 107-116, SIR Mitteilungen und Berichte 34, 2009-2010, Salzburg, November 2010


Breiling M., “Landscape Planning in the Danube Region", in Danube News 21, Bulletin of the International Association for Danube Research, pp. 11-13, June 2010, Wilhering, Austria. ISSN 2070-1292


Breiling M., “Valuing Natural Resource Management in the Context of Climate Change Adaptation Frameworks in Austria", Proceedings to ADBI Regional Workshop on Strategic Assessment of Climate Change Adaptation in Natural Resource Management, June 8th to 11th, Colombo, Sri Lanka.



Breiling M., F. Best, M. Bacher, S. Sokratov (2009), “Dendrite Generator" Austrian patent registered AZ A1434/2009 Sept. 11th, International patents for EU, USA, Canada et al. registered March 10th, 2011


Breiling M., “Land Use Practices and Climate Change Adaptation: The European Experiences and an Austrian Case Study" in Proceedings to Regional Workshop on Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation into Developmental Planning, April 14th to 17th, 2009, Tokyo. Asian Development Bank Institute.


Breiling M., “Kann die Entwicklung des Polartourism auch in den Alpinregionen stattfinden?" in German, Contribution to 3rd Austrian Symposium on Polar Regions, March 28th, 2009; Museum for Natural History, Vienna.



Breiling M., (2008), “Snow in Kitzbühel: how winter tourism is adapting to climate change” in “On Snow”. Catalogue to exhibition "Snow Affairs" Nov. 28th, 2008 to Apr. 11th, 2009. Edt. G. Moschig (edt.). Museum Kitzbühel. pp. 88-109.


Breiling M., Ruland G..  The Vienna Green Belt From local protection to a regional concept  in  M. Armati (edt.). Urban Green Belts in the Twenty-first Century,  Ashgate Publishing Ltd, UK. ISBN 978-07546-4959-5


Breiling M., edt.  (2008). The Vienna Symposium on Polar Tourism. Proceedings with extended abstracts to International Conference at TU Wien. Oct. 22nd to 25th 2008. 104 pp. Schriftenreihe des Fachbereichs Landschaftsplanung und Gartenkunst. ISBN 3-900804-18-4


Breiling M., P. Charamza, W. Feilmayr (2008). Klimasensibilität des Salzburger Wintertourismus nach Bezirken - Die Bedeutung eines Klimawandels und Strategien der Anpassung 103 pp. Schriftenreihe des Fachbereichs Landschaftsplanung und Gartenkunst. ISBN 3‐900804‐17‐6 Kurzfassung.

Khan, V., Rubinstein, K., Holko L., Breiling M. (2008). Snow Cover Characteristics Over the Main Russian River Basins as Represented by Reanalysis and Measured Data; Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Volume 47, Issue 6, pp 1819-1833. Abstract ISSN: 1558-8424





Breiling M., Breiling M., P. Charamza, D. Frolov, L. Holko, V. Golubev, V. Khan, Z. Kostka, M. Petrov, M. Petrushina, M. Phillips, V. Popova, K. Rubinstein, U. Schwarz, E. Semakova, A. Shmakin, S. Sokratov, A. Yakovlev, M. Zoloeva, et al. Snow and landscape: multi-scale and multi-disciplinary aspects of snow cover. In Proceedings to 18th International Annual ECLAS conference Belgrade “Landscape Assessment from Theory to Praxis: Applications in Planning and Design”


M. Breiling, (2006). Rural Tourism: Experience from Austria and Opportunities for Japan. in "Landscape Planning and Horticluture" Journal of Awaji Shima Landscape Planning and Horticultural Academy ALPHA. Vol. 7/1, pp. 1-11.

Hatanaka K., M. Breiling, Y.Sato, P.Charamza (2006). Significance of winter tourism in hilly and mountainous areas of Japan. In: SEPPYO Journal of Japanese Society of Snow and Ice, Vol. 68/1. pp 15-29. ISSN 0373-1006.


Breiling M., edt.  (2006). The Implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive from International, National and Local Perspectives. Proceedings with extended abstracts to International Conference at TU Wien. Jan. 19th, 20th 2006. 88 pp. Schriftenreihe des Fachbereichs Landschaftsplanung und Gartenkunst. ISBN 3-900804-12-5


Breiling M., S. Hashimoto, Y. Sato, G. Ahamer (2005). Rice-Related Greenhouse Gases in Japan , Variations in Scale and Time and Significance for the Kyoto Protocol. In: Paddy and Water Environment. Vol.3.1 pp. 39-46. ISSN: 1611-2490.



Breiling M., R. Stiles edts.  (2004). Technology.Tourism.Landscape: SNOW. Proceedings with extended abstracts to International Conference at TU Wien.  128 pp., Schriftenreihe des Fachbereichs Landschaftsplanung und Gartenkunst. ISBN 3-900804-10-9


Breiling M., S. Hashimoto (2004). A Comparison of Watershed Management in Japan with the Danube Region in Europe. In Limnological Reports Vol.35 pp 41-57. Proceedings 35th IAD Conference Novi Sad, Serbia and Monte Negro, ISBN 86-82259-33-8.



Sato Y., M. Breiling, N. Yoshikawa (2003). Comparative Model Evaluation in Land Use and Cover Change Research. Working paper presented at ”LUCC and Environmental Problems Colloquium”. Bogor, Indonesia , Dec. 19-21, 2003. 15 pp.


Breiling M. (2003). Sustainable Development in the Danube Region and the Role of European Frameworks for Water and Landscape . Presentation to Council of Europe Seminar, Spatial planning for the sustainable development of particular types of European areas : mountains, coastal zones, rural zones, flood-plains and alluvial valleys. Sofia, Bulgaria, 23-24 October 2002.  pp. 67-72, CEMAT Council of Europe publication N. 68. Strassbourg. ISBN 92-871-5187-3


Breiling M. (2003). Trinkwasserqualität als Produkt von Landschaft und Wasser in der Donauregion - Überlegungen in Richtung Nachhaltigkeit. In Jahr des Wassers 2003 "Gemeinsam in eine umweltgerechte Zukunft" Symposium für moderne Wasser- und Abwasserwirtschaft. Proceedings Budapest, May 27th, 2003. Bohmann Events, Wien. pp. 25-28. Hungarian version.



Breiling M. (2002). Landscape and Water in the Danube Region: Bridging Some Gaps for More Sustainability. In proceedings to 2nd IAWD Symposium Opatija/Croatia, September 2002. 10 pp.


Breiling M. (2002). Reconsidering Landscape and Water in the Danube Region: Challenges for More Sustainability. In Breceanu G., R. Stiuca edts. 34th IAD Conference in Tulcea/Romania, August 2002. pp. 870- 885 (pages to be verified).



Breiling M. (2001). An Introduction to Historical Gardens in Japan . Contribution to " International Historical Gardens" lecture series Prof. Jiri Damec, Mendel Universty Brno. 7 pp.



Breiling M. (2000). An Opinion on Landscape Planning in Europe. Conference Landscape Planning in Europe. September 1999. University of Hannover. Edt. Christina v. Haaren, Hannover, Pp. 30-38.


Breiling M. (2000). The Regional Model of Hermagor District: Endogenous Development and Exogenous Change Simulations. Extended abstract to Workshop on "Advanced Techniques for Assessment of Natural Hazards" Igls, June 5th to 7th, 2000. Pp 66-68.


Breiling M., P. Charamza. (1999). The impact of  global warming on winter tourism and skiing: a regionalised model for Austrian snow conditions. Regional Environmental Change Journal. Volume 1.1. pp. 4-14. ISSN 1436-3798.


Breiling M., T. Hoshino, R. Matsuhashi (1999) Contributions of Rice Production to Japanese Greenhouse Gas Emissions applying LCA in Rice Production as a Methodology. KEO Discussion Paper No. 38 WG-2-16, Tokyo. 38 p..



Breiling M. (1998). The Role of Snow Cover in Austrian Economy During 1965 and 1995 and Possible Consequences Under a Situation of Temperature Change. Conference Japanese Society of Snow and Ice. Niigata, October 1998.


Breiling M (1998). Integrated Environmental Modelling: a Tool in Science and Planning. In Annual Report, Laboratory of Land Resource Sciences, Department of Biological and Environmental Engineering. The University of Tokyo. March 1998


Breiling M. (1998). Mountain Regions, Winter Tourism and Possible Climate Change: Example Austria. Symposium: Concern for Environment. Komaba Campus, University of Tokyo. June 1998.



Breiling M. (1997). ”The Use of Geographic Information Systems in Local Planning and Possible Contributions to Water Management in Southern Sweden” in Water-saving Strategies in Urban Renewal Dietrich Reimer Verlag Berlin, 1997, pp 136-144. Edts. J. Mellitzer, Rau J., U. Schubert, S. Sedlacek. Hardcopy (162pp.) ISBN 3-496-02622-7



Breiling M., P. Charamza, O.R. Skage (1997). Klimasensibilität österreichischer Bezirke mit besonderer Beruecksichtigung des Wintertourismus. Rapport 1, 1997. Department of Landscape Planning Alnarp, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. 104pp. Executive Summary


Breiling M., Auer I., Böhm R., P. Charamza, H. Mohnl, R. Potzmann, E. Rudel, O.Skage. (1997). Climate sensibility of Austrian districts with particular concern of winter tourism related to the whole of Austria . Contribution to the Austrian IPCC report. Chapter Impacts. 8 pp.


Breiling M. (1997). Ressourcenraum Alpen in Gefahr? Proceedings of Innsbruck-Igls to 26th Symposium of the Ecosocial Forum, Vienna in Dec. 1996, Vienna. 10 pp.



Breiling M. (1996). Climate Change, Winter Tourism and Environment. Austrian Council for Climate Change and 2nd IPCC Report on National Impacts of Austria . In German: Klimaveränderung, Wintertourismus und Umwelt. Pp 35-48.



Breiling M. (1995). Systems Analysis and Landscape Planning. ERASMUS Landscape Studies Network ICP UK 2028/02. European Landscape Theory Course. Module 2: Issues in Contemporary Landscape Theory. 10 pp. Online publication.



Breiling M., (1994). Climate Variability: The Impact on the National Economy, the Alpine Environments of Austria and the Need for Local Action, paper presented at Conference ”Snow and Climate” Geneva, September 1994. Department of Landscape Planning, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. 8 pp.


Breiling M., P. Charamza (1994). Localising the threats due to global climate change in mountain environment. Proceedings of ProClim Conference. Davos.  In ”Mountain Environments in Changing Climates” edt. M. Beniston, Routledge, October 1994. Pp. 349-364, ISBN: 0415102243.



Breiling M. (1993) "Klimaveränderung, Wintertourismus und Umwelt". In Envirotour Conference Proceedings, Vienna, Dec. 1993 . Edited by W. Pillmann und A. Wolzt (ISEP).  10 pp, ISBN 3-950036-6-5.


Breiling M. (1993). Emergency Air Protection: Implementing Smog Alarm Systems in Central and Eastern Europe. Final Report on Award Agreement N. 158 to the Regional Environmnt Center for Central and Eastern Europe Budapest, Hungary. IIASA Laxenburg. 54 pp.


Breiling M. (1993). "Landscape Planning in Austria". Extended abstract for proceedings of "Landscape Planning in Rural Areas", Ottapää, Sept. 1993, 4 pp.



Breiling, M. (1993). Die zukünftige Umwelt- und Wirtschaftsituation peripherer alpiner Gebiete. Dissertation, Institut für Landschaftsgestaltung, Universität für Bodenkultur, April 1993, Wien. The Future Environment Condition of Periphery Alpine Regions. Dissertation, Univ. of Life Sciences, 154 pp.,



Breiling M., J. Alcamo (1992). Emergency air protection: a survey of smog alarm systems. IIASA WP-92-52, August 1992, Laxenburg, Austria . 48 pp.



Breiling, M. (1992). Österreichs Tourismus der Zukunft - absehbare Umweltprobleme und deren mögliche Kosten. Conference Proceedings "Umwelt-Tourismus-Verkehr", edts. Brodnik, Hammer. April 1992, Velden, Austria.  8 pp.



Breiling M., W. Schopfhauser edts. (1991). Environment and Development. Extensive abstracts to lecture series promoting the aims of UNCED 92. MECCA publication, Wien. pp.103, ISBN 3-901082-03-04


Breiling M. (1991). The professional situation of landscape planning in Austria in the European Context. In German: Die Ausbildungs- und Berufssituation österreichischer Landschaftsplaner und Landschaftsarchitekten im internationalem Vergleich. Contribution to Research Project: State and Image of Landscape Planning in Austria . Institut für Landschaftsgestaltung, Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien. 26 pp.


Breiling M. (1991). Some remarks concerning sustainable development and landscape change in Austrian Alpine regions. Proceedings to "Advances in Landscape Synthesis Research", Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava. Ed. M. Drdos.



Breiling M. (Co-author), ed. H. Schaffer (1990). Die Umweltsituation in der Tschechischen und Slowakischen Föderativen Republik. MECCA publication, Wien. 100 pp.


Breiling, M. (1990). The impact of mass tourism and the change of landscape in the Carnian Alps region. In Conference Proceedings: "Tourism and the landscape management", International Federation of Landscape Architects, IFLA, regional conference. Ed. L. Morbey, Porto. 6pp.



Breiling M. (Co-author), ed. H. Schaffer (1989). Soil conservation in Tanzania . The role of  students in the management of global environmental dilemmas. MECCA publication, Wien.  75 pp.



Breiling M. (1987). Planning of Tourism in Norwegian Mountain Landscapes and Comparison to Austrian Conditions. MSc thesis. Dep. of Landscape Planning, Univ. of Life Sciences, Wien 158 pp.

© Meinhard Breiling, last modified on 2019-09-08