
Meinhard Breiling, LVA EU am Ende

Intro zur Lehrveranstaltung

"Kurzinformantion zu EU am Ende" 12 ETCS

"Short introduction to EU at the end"

Programm zur Lehrveranstaltung

"Programm" 12 ETCS

Report 1: C.A.Rosetti Municipality (Danner K., B. Gugarell, L.Gerold, I.Paschinger, L.Schilling, C. Schmidt, B.Siquans)

Report 2 Danner Karin Outline Danner
Individual Projects Gugerell Bernadette Outline Gugerell
  Ludwig Gerold Outline Ludwig
  Paschinger Ina Outline Paschinger
  Schilling Leonhard extra Outline Schilling
  Schmidt Corinna Outline Schmidt
  Siquans Bernhard Outline Siquans


SONDAR - Presentation Erwin Szlezak, NÖ Landesregierung, Sept. 19th, 2014 LIMES - Presentation Sonja Jilek, Vienna University, Dep. of History, Sept. 19th, 2014 Presentation Sfistofca, Marius Voica, Ion Mincu, Bukarest, Sept. 29th, 2014
SOPRO-Präsentation-Franz Rybaczek, Kommunitas OG, Sept. 19th, 2014 "Program of LIMES conference in Bucharest and Ruse Sept. 24th to Sept. 26th, 2014", Sept. 19th, 2014 ICPDR - Benedikt Mandl, Oct. 6th, 2014
SONDAR - Presentation Christian Steiner - Oct. 6th, 2014 Bulgarian Planning System - Vesselina Troeva - Oct. 6th, 2014 ICPDR - Raimund Mair, Oct. 6th, 2014

DONAURAUMSTRATEGIE Wien - Interview K. Puchinger

Course participants reflect the situation in Sfistofca, Oct. 6th, 2014 C. Schwenoha, Naturfreunde International, „Das Donaudelta – Landschaft des Jahres 2007-2009"


Introduction in Vienna

Fieldwork in Bukarest,

Impression from Ruse,

Trip to the Danube Delta,

Artist Workshop Sfistofca

Continuation Workshop Sfistofca,

Fieldwork Letea, C.A.Rosetti

Fieldwork Sfistofca,

Fieldwork Periprava,

Farewell to Sfistofca

Trip Periprava to Tulcea

Follow Up with Workshops Vienna

Presentation Student Report 1 in Vienna - NUU

Presentation Student Report 2 in Tulln - UFT-Tulln - Bernadette - Bernhard - Corinna - Gerold - Ina - Karin - Leonhard

Final Presentation - TU Wien - Intro - Bernadette - Bernhard - Corinna - Gerold - Ina - Karin - Leonhard - Marius Voica

Dissemination of student work in C.A.Rosetti municipality:

Letter to TU Wien from Mayor Fiorentina Hancerenco

Connected with a visit to C.A.Rosetti municipality, Feb. 19th to Feb. 22nd, 2015

Departure Bucharest - Sulina to Sfistofca

Sfistofca - Rosetti - Letea - Sfistofca Art Studio -

Sfistofca Channel - Sfistofca Church and locals -

Kylia channel


2004 - 2014

"Die Dobrutscha: Ethnische Minderheiten - Kulturlandschaft - Transformationen" Hrsg. J. Sallanz. Ergebnisse eines Geländekurses Inst. f. Geographie, Uni Potsdam, 2004

"Exkursion Studierender der Raumplanung ins Donaudelta Juni 2009" TU Wien, 2009

"Landscape Planning in the Danube Region" Artikel M. Breiling, in Danube News, Wilhering, 2010

"Danube Delta Ecological Restructuring of Traditional Houses and New Designs for Ecological Buildings" Report by Dan E. Ivanov, 2010

"Art-cheology" by Dragos Gheorghiu, information 2003 to 2014

"Donau Delta, Landschaft des Jahres, Naturfreunde International, 2007-2009" Radiokolleg, Ö1 ORF, 6. bis 10. März, 2007


Links zu aktuellen Projekten im Donauraum:

2004 - 2014

"SONDAR - Boden und Nachhaltigkeitsnetzwerk im Donauraum"

"SOPRO - Soziale Produktion", "Innovation und Nachhaltigkeit im Donauraum"

"LIMES UNESCO World Heritage" Konferenz zum Projekt 25. und 26.9.

"Art-cheology" by D. Gheorghiu, workshops in C.A.Rosetti municipality 28. und 29.9.


"Time Maps"


© Meinhard Breiling, last modified on 2015-03-05